Saturday, March 16, 2013

Family NMW

My family has many strangers.  Anger, strong will, stubborn to the point of stupidity, some adhd, manic depression, quad polar (yes it is a real.....i love all my personalities), teenage pregnancy, food addictions, drug addictions, drug abuse and now i believe our new guest is OCD. What i believe was misdiagnosed from bipolar, that by the way i believe most people dont even know what  bipolar is.

 Anyway, this family member is not bipolar this new unwanted guest is Tada......OCD, be believe.  It has been ignored for too long and pushed too hard and now it has reared its ugly head.  So to war we go as a family and information i want.
When my Ta was diagnosed with asthma as a child i found out all i could.  When Tj's body grew faster than his heart, again.....i read and found out all i could.  When Faith started showing signs of my darkness or Emma my/and her daddys anger.....once again, i threw my self into finding out all i can to help or direct what/where we go from there.  I am one of those The more information you have the better type of women.  How can you make decisions if you dont know your options.  I am also not a big medication person.  If theres an oil or food or exercise that will help the issue i am going to find it.  (this is where you remember is healthy in moderation)
So i ask you my fellow crazy's.....throw me all you have on OCD.  Im ashamed to say i had no idea it was anything other than a term i used when i wanted to defend the fact that i am a slob. My family is everything to me and though we are all twisted and complicated, we are also a great team! Our for us.   (just slow learners, some slower than others......but just wait, we dont break)
Thank you in advance for your help and happy saturday <3

Friday, March 8, 2013

My will always be.

Two years later my broken road is exactly where it should be, i never knew why or who or where.  but i do now.  We fixed each other so many times... Im sorry you couldnt see what you had. I had to come home.  I had to be who i am, Momma. Im blessed you forced me to see what was what in front of my eyes.  (around the corner). This day is no longer yours. its my Ta's...she worked her @ off and made her goal. My babies are with me, my greatest love is there every morning and every night. I deserve happy.  Family/faith....hardest thing ill ever do but i will do it.
  i will miss you forever, you are in my heart forever but ... you quit.  i dont quit.  I will get you to that mountain, some day.  I know your watching.  Enjoy the view.  Its just faith my boob......believing in what you cant see. I wish you could have had that. R.I.P. my stubborn BFF .  Good bye
