Friday, March 8, 2013

My will always be.

Two years later my broken road is exactly where it should be, i never knew why or who or where.  but i do now.  We fixed each other so many times... Im sorry you couldnt see what you had. I had to come home.  I had to be who i am, Momma. Im blessed you forced me to see what was what in front of my eyes.  (around the corner). This day is no longer yours. its my Ta's...she worked her @ off and made her goal. My babies are with me, my greatest love is there every morning and every night. I deserve happy.  Family/faith....hardest thing ill ever do but i will do it.
  i will miss you forever, you are in my heart forever but ... you quit.  i dont quit.  I will get you to that mountain, some day.  I know your watching.  Enjoy the view.  Its just faith my boob......believing in what you cant see. I wish you could have had that. R.I.P. my stubborn BFF .  Good bye


1 comment:

  1. Here you come again. And again tats is fighting her battle to distract me. I miss you daily and your head games ... never. Always hiding. I miss you .. You idiot. Can you believe Don told me to throw you away. Just toss you out. We'll of course you do. Faith. You just argued. Blinde Faith. I love you. I miss you. But I know your never far. I can feel your pa in every year. Maize dying. Your guilt anger. ..oh My boob. We will fight this out. Someday. .
