Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm not crazy, I'm a mom

I'm not crazy. Mentally challenged I'll go with, but not crazy. I have been out numbered by them for years. . Lol.   I  have lots of hats. My favorite is momma.  I want everything for my kids.   Don't we all? I panic,  I freak out,  I get scared and hurt for them and I'm their biggest fan.  They call me controlling. .. I call it momma.  The years are dwindling now.  Soon they will be gone.  All the choices. . Good and bad... What have they learned?  What will they take away from this time we have had together and apart?  I am not their punching bag but I am always here,  even when I'm not.  Jesus is and we both always have yourback.  With out Him,  this momma wouldn't make it through a day and neither will they.  Just babble today. . Back to no sleep and mom's taxi. .. Coffee!

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