Saturday, February 2, 2013

If you cant fly with the big girls, stay off the broom!

My two favorite tools as a momma are:  My bible and my broom.  They both can be used for almost everything.  No really, think about it.  (yes.....even that, though the bruises should never show.  you know you thought it.  hahaha) I have been a momma for almost 20 years now.  In every aspect of my full time job called motherhood both with and thanks to my poor choices and a very bad person, without them for a short time.  Both tools always come in handy.

Momma's are the most underpaid, over worked people in the world.  We get very little credit, yet our demand is always high.  The trophies and certificates of completion or appreciation do not hang on our walls and most of the time if we are lucky we sleep with the boss.  (who also needs us)  We do not earn sick time and the benefit package bites butt.  I am also learning that the retirement package may not be what it was once cracked up to be.

I never get any rest, Will my house ever be clean again.  Do they have to talk so loud. i cant remember the last time i got a bath, they do have a father, where is he? Will they ever grow up?  Will they remember anything i say?  I want to feel like a woman again.  When do i get a break?   Any of this sound familiar???????  Get over it your a MOM!  If you want some down time no one can create that but YOU.  So shut the pie hole (as my dear friend says gross) and do it.  Then stick to it.    As Willie Wonka say's:  "So much time so little to reverse that."

Learn to say NO, then mean it. Boundaries...they are also multi functional.  They protect and guard you and the person you probably should not  punch in the face.  I have learned through much failure..Boundaries are my friends.  Im not as nice as i used to be ya know.

Our salary is the accomplishments of our babies.  There pictures that hang on our walls, sit on our desk or are in our phones.  Our credit that we so lack we get in a "love you momma" or every blue moon when you ask them to do something, they do it.  Or how about when we hear our words come out of their mouths?  WOW! right?  The benefits package is the strength and endurance not to mention courage our children gain because of something we did right or maybe we did wrong.  That retirement package.....well, im still working on that one.  So far my Tootiebutt (grand daughter) is pretty amazing. The boss i sleep with......still loves me without a bath, grouchy and eats left overs when he hates them.

So i say,  stop whining.  Those babies will be your greatest accomplishments and they are watching you/us.  What are they seeing?

  Kisses and witch twitches xoxo

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