Monday, April 1, 2013

Mom's - an under rated, all consuming love of a job

I read this with my coffee and didnt know if i should laugh or cry but there is def. an emotion or two attached as i go through daily what i do with my babies and have watched my mom/myself/my sister lose my Memom (her mom) and now watching my step mom let go of her mom.  Its so true.  I look at my 2 1/2 year old Tootiebutt grand baby and listen to her say with her hands on my face "i wuv you mimi" and know in the not so near future it will change.  We as mothers dont do any less, actually some days it feels like more but its those damn hugs, and "momma, i love you" or every now and then... a "thank you..though rare".
Im 45 and have had all of those feelings up there.  I suppose its unavoidable.  Circle of life must endure the pain of growth.  some days it just makes me sad. I love no one like my children.  I just recently told someone if you squeezed me and i were to burst it would simply be the love i have for my babies.  I wonder sometimes if that is why God put my B in my life.  He knew my stubborn, witchy self would never look for anyone, let alone take the time for someone else.  So He threw B in my path and then set a fire under my girls to get us on a date.  Our babies will go away, sometimes for a long time, sometimes for a day.  I suppose we are not meant to be alone forever. B has his growing pains with his beautiful daughter and we love each other at any age.  For that and for them i am grateful and pray each of our babies are blessed with.

p.s.  the share status at the base, it came with the quote.  i dont care what you share.  haha.

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