Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hair it is - truth and gratitude

I so wish i still had all my equipment but i know i dont need it.  The magic isnt the fancy equipment.  It simply comes down to you and me.

I have had all types in my chair.  The mom, dad, wife, grand parent, husband, mistress, professionals of all breeds, child, teenager, teenagers child, cancer patient, elderly, first haircut, last haircut and yes i have gone to you and painted those nails and fixed that wig even in a coffin.

 No one has ever sat in my chair at a salon or on a stool in my kitchen (in your/my bathroom when the meltdown happens and i get the OMG help phone call before a huge event) by mistake.  hairdresser/friend/therapist.  It never escapes me who God has brought to me and what we learn from each other.  What a gift. I always said i would retire someday and write a book (changing names of course) but im not sure anyone would print it.  hahaha.

 Thank you for 22 years of happiness and your blessings in a career of trust and compassion.  I always said when my babies were little if a normal single mom had to reschedule their work day every day for a week because not one but three kids have chicken pox a corporate boss would have laughed and fired me.  Not this lady, my customers offered wine and zanex.

To the future hairdressers that want to cut those 4.99 wigs and not understand a trim is just a trim; it is boo! scaring the ends and they fall off.  The ones that think oh i will just do what i want and they still have to pay me.  How about the young ones that want to sit on their phone and dont remember your name?  Shame on you!!  That is a person sitting in your chair.  he/she is your bread and butter and needs not only a new do but a friend.  If you are truly paying attention you might even realize that person may actually be there for you.

That is all.  #an old sassy broom riding hairdresser.

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