Tuesday, April 29, 2014

$ vs happy for me. . Another God lesson

So those roses were picked from my back yard.  My Very ocd/ar love and cares for our yard with soft kind hands.  You would never know this too look at him.

What you don't know to look at me is this.  I've had money. Made a whole lot of it even Owned a business, I married a man that never knew how not to be above a moderate income, and have lived very well on my own, certainly didn't want for anything. Bought my own roses, sometimes daily.
Now I have also been without a dime.   Been in such a bad way that I had to send my own children away for their financial being. Their Father did not  see that being with their mother was best and help me.  He held them financially hostage. 
My own father being raised very poor dug an early though wealthy grave for himself.   He was an amazing father.  But couldn't make enough money.
I dated a man for a very long time that would rather have money than love.
I stupidly married a second time he then kept my own money from me as a form of abuse and control.
So as you can tell. ..I'm not a fan of money.    These men..... I Didn't even mention a few women that stayed when they should have run or manipulated money to gain what they wanted. 
I find money makes things easier.   Obviously we need it to exist and for health.  I am a fan of living way below my means.  Keeping all that money in savings....Extra $ is fun, well earned and allows extras.  Savings and investments allow for fun later. 
Bottom line in my normal babble....I would rather have these hand picked flowers in a small house where you can't keep a secret long if you tried with cheap wine, paying it forward in drive thru lines and donating when i can then all the monetary items I've ever had.  I refer once again to those first 40 years.  Learn from them.  Love them.  Because happiness. .. is what you make it and how God carves it for you.  These roses. .are mine and free.  What's left in your world that is free?  I love my organized living chaos.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm not crazy, I'm a mom

I'm not crazy. Mentally challenged I'll go with, but not crazy. I have been out numbered by them for years. . Lol.   I  have lots of hats. My favorite is momma.  I want everything for my kids.   Don't we all? I panic,  I freak out,  I get scared and hurt for them and I'm their biggest fan.  They call me controlling. .. I call it momma.  The years are dwindling now.  Soon they will be gone.  All the choices. . Good and bad... What have they learned?  What will they take away from this time we have had together and apart?  I am not their punching bag but I am always here,  even when I'm not.  Jesus is and we both always have yourback.  With out Him,  this momma wouldn't make it through a day and neither will they.  Just babble today. . Back to no sleep and mom's taxi. .. Coffee!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


It is said time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain and in time the mind protecting it's sanity covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessons,  but it is never gone.- Rose Kennedy

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Teenage daughters

Martina McBride- Teenage Daughters- Los Angeles, …: http://youtu.be/LbhpAE7GxNM

Friday, April 11, 2014

You don't have to like me.

Check out @broomowner's Tweet: https://twitter.com/broomowner/status/454685373101117440