Friday, December 11, 2015

love never fails.

Several members of my family have come to me recently after a tantrum or a bad day, a stressful situation etc.. and asked me or told me "Momma/mimi/michelle, how can you love me No Matter What?" Because someone said this or did that or oh, who knows. My response is always the same. I will never leave you, quit on you or stop loving you. No matter what! Here is the answer to my families question of me. God hit me with it right in the face this morning while i was getting stressed over not having enough hours in the day to do all i WANT to for all of them. He said very clearly to me Love never fails, then i turned on the radio and guess what the verse was they were talking about? Then if that wasnt enough... i come home to sit and watch the end of a movie and write out Christmas cards and what are they talking about but the same dang thing. Ok God, i got it and to my babies....... all of you from 5 years old -68 years young. LOVE NEVER FAILS 1Corninthians 13;7-8

p.s. Thank you God for wine......

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