Friday, January 25, 2013

DIY Woman/Momma

I am a DIY (do it yourself) woman.  Not by choice.  By choice, i am a lazy delegator.  My life has shown me however (due to my own inability to accept help...yes i said it) it is just better to do it myself.  If i want it done right, i do it myself.  if i want it done in a timely manner i do it myself and if i want it done to my satisfaction, i do it myself.

My children, are my responsiblity.  From birth (or conception if your my oldest daughter) i have known that when the dr's said "you have a girl/boy" he really meant "you" meaning me.  Dont misunderstand me.  Their dad loves them dearly.  They have a wonderful step mom and they even took over for a few years when my bad choice led to them needing to be away from said bad choice for a while.  But all in all, they are my responsibility.  Breast feeding, potty training, teething, doctors, dentists, school, activities, beatings,kissing booboo's, discipline etc etc......all me. The house chores and upkeep of our home and cars, all me.  Their dad worked. He provided an income in a job that was demanding physically and he excelled at it, to provide me the ability to raise them, alone.   (this lead to our demise by the way, but works beautifully in his new marriage.)  Helps when you have the same belief's.  We did not.  My second husband well.....took care of himself and not always well (in his defense, he told me that he was first always. sadly i didnt really think he was serious, he was.)  Thats enough there. 

 Again, they were always my job.  MOM - full time all day, every day.  I took it on and i took it on well.  I also had a full time business that i owned.  This lead to more and more and more and more.  I surrounded myself with healed, strong women/men who became my support group/cheer leaders.  I was a DIY woman.  My Son refer's to it now as "momma, your a control FREAK".
I say to those that criticize the trait.  Who was going to do it for me?  In some cases, those that were most critical, never offered assistance?  So....control freak or not.  Here i am. 

Here i am with another control freak/DIY man.  What the hell???  They make those?  I have heard of these creatures but i had never seen one.  They do not have eyes in the middle of their heads.  They dont even have halo's.  They walk the earth just like us.  Its true!!!  Oh they arent perfect.  (either are we, shhhh dont tell) but they do what they say and say what they mean.  That picture up there is my new stove top.  My old one met its maker a week or so ago.  Funeral details to follow.  Anyway, not only did this strange creature of a man go get it, bring it home but he put it in the same day. read right.  The same day.  THEN.........he cleaned up the mess.  (moment of silence here ............) I personally had only witnessed this one other time in my life and as usual the gift came from a woman.  So i say again....he cleaned up the mess!

He also helps without being asked with these teenagers that are not his and not always nice.  He has taken the love of my tootie to levels i only watched in my dad.  He owns his temper and is doing everything in his power to help my oldest twinkie with hers.  
Its a family.  There are two adults and i am no longer a DIY woman.  (do not insert the country lyrics to Stand by your man here please)  What i am is grateful for that damn stove top.  I guess he didnt break it due to bad cooking on purpose.

So ladies and daughters and even some of you men.  Take note......wait for him or her.  Maybe you need to be Him or her.  Whatever the situation....make the change.  (crapp now i hear michael jackson's man in the mirror)  

It is sooo worth it the wait!!

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