Monday, January 28, 2013

Get out of my head!!! Its crowded enough in there

Goal for the week:  Stop the chatter in my head!  1/2 of it is not truth and the other half doesnt matter.  Devil be gone!!! Only good, truth (even painful but pure) and what is real based on faith will be allowed in.  Lets see how this goes.  (so far......ugh but I can do anything i set my mind too with God and this strong willed mouthy family.  prayers prayers prayers)  I will not set myself up for failure.  The bad things repeated to us day in and day out or how about year in and year out? They are easier to believe.
Thank you Unglued...i will not become unglued today! I am no longer self destructive or create the bad things in my life.  Years of hard work to control this mouth, my reactions vs responses (the smart ass..not that is a family trait.  cant fix that.  its all Jim, thank you daddy) and now the chatter is wanting to return?  um NO! Be gone.  Back to some simple questions i ponder when this can happen:
 1. Did someone actually say this thought i am having or am i making assumptions about what they might be THINKING?
 2. Am i immersing myself in truth or what i believe to be true?
 3. Are there situations or relationships (friend or family) that feed my insecurities?
 4. Does the person i am allowing to banter in my head know me? Did i ask for was i asked to process this with them?
 5.  Does it matter????

ex:  I am a bad mom.  I am not learning my job fast enough, i do not keep a clean enough house. i should not allow my children to speak freely.  I should be married.  I dont do enough for my tootie.  I am fat.  I am too opinionated.
Do you do these things to yourself?  How far can that blah blah blah in your head go?  Do we take it from morning all the way to evening and then how big is it?

If i am to help my children not listen to anything but what God intends us to listen too (and me of course haha) Dont i need to control that big mouth in my head?

The judgmental, assumption toting banter  are easier to believe when said to us.  The kind things, the pure and honest banter when said to us.....thats the work we need to do.  Believe that.  I believe i deserve every bit of happiness I am blessed with and I believe i have worked my scrawny bony ass off for it.  So there brain chatter!  Take that.

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