Sunday, January 20, 2013

Say what you mean, mean what you say

"im sorry" is a statement. "i wont do it again" is a promise. "How can i make it up to you?" is a responsibility

I am quick to forgive as i am human and have a mess behind me, so who am i to not give forgiveness (all but one person, im still praying on that one for 31 years now) Jesus turned that cheek for "me" after all.  I have no right to withhold what He gave me freely.  But here's what i say:  that promise that follows..the responsibility you give me..thats where few follow through.  Im sorry is easy. my lifetime, almost impossible to give me.  I have been told my expectation level is too high.  I say, yours is too low. I dont expect what i wont give. What do you tolerate?
So i say again yes, i forgive you all day every day. Do i expect you to change?  Nope.  show me.  say what you mean and mean what you say.  I have drudged through  my mud and hurt others, made my apologies and lost people i love dearly due to actions made by a me.  I changed.  it hurts and its hard.  it requires discipline but it can be done.  thats my Grace.. 

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