Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Those first 40 years, we never listen...

i repeat:  I love being in my 40's.  i watch these young women/men making "choices".  (then lawdy ... posting those choices for all to judge...because thats what we do. Our co workers both present and future if they hire you, grandmothers, friends and their familys etc....on social networks) Experience both good and bad make us who we are and Grace... blesses us with the ability to continue. Having been my own worst enemy for years, i pray and send witchy twitches that you will all be able to gain strength from your first 40 years because you are the only one that can own those years. oh sure, you can blame everyone else and you might even believe that bs... but one day in the future you will look in a mirror and say (where no one can hear you of course) "i did that?" or "wow, i actually did that!" Remember.....you are the only one that can teach the next group of youth. They watch, they remember and mom and dad wont always be here. As a matter of fact we wont.  we will pass. no getting around it.  some of us young and some of us maybe very old but eventually, You will be alone at some point or parentless as i say.  so... surround yourself with strong people. pick them wisely and Pray... pray every day all day.  For He will never forsake you and you NEED to believe in something other than yourself.  I know, you dont think you do..but you do!

 My dad used to say "if you can count 5 friends on one hand on your death bed, you have had a good life"  and "if you want to see me, come see me now.  Dont wait till im dead, no use in it"

 Be strong , be wise and think..for more than 24 hours then and only then act.  Dont participate in every argument and chose your words wisely as they can not be taken back or forgotten.  make mistakes once, try not to repeat them as there are many to make and then forgive yourself.

Girls, dont cry over a man and men dont make her cry. Make each other laugh!! Laugh all the time.  when its all said and done, holding hands and giggling might be all you have left with each other in your diapers waiting on those ungreatful children to visit haha.   Babies understand....no one can make you happy.  if you are not happy already, that boy or girl cant "fix" you.  Only you can.  Be happy alone and in alone find happy.  Then seek your spouse/partner through God.  He wont steer you wrong.  Build your lives with Him as the center.  I have tried to leave Him out of it.....it does not work.  It does not require you to be a Holy Roller LOL.  just have that conviction and stick to it.  Build your boundaries and respect them,  then and only then will others.

 Mostly:  dont lie...not to others and then not to yourself. Then dont forget.  always forgive as it will only hurt you.  Never forget. It will protect you.  Mean what you say and say what you mean.  Your character is who you are and when that character is flawed only you can fix it and the people that depend on your word/character will need you too.  I love being in my 40's.  Im done and exactly where i want/should be.  I never listened to others until it was too late of course and neither will all of you.  so here it is in writing.  this way you can re read it later.  God gave us two ears and one mouth....Listen.  just listen.....and BREATHE.............. 

ps.  i journaled this a years ago (45 now) and i then posted it in a social network, just last year.  I obviously preach most of this a lot because a few days ago i heard my son say "momma, i do everything the hard way but im learning i dont have too, relax"  and my oldest daughter say " momma, just breathe for 24 hours, dang!"    doing a small and quiet toyota momma jump, yeah me. That deserves a shot of Baileys in my coffee, right?  

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